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The Latest in Content Marketing: Tuning Into The Podcast

Being forced inside during the pandemic has naturally pushed all of us to spend more time-consuming media – from binging shows on Netflix to going through an endless stream of YouTube videos. It’s no surprise lockdown has made content junkies out of all of us, spending our isolated time consuming more media than ever before! Furthermore, the work-from-home phenomenon has given people the flexibility to explore and accommodate the myriad of platforms to keep entertained and connected with the world. One medium that has seen a particular growth in users is podcast streaming. Not only are more and more people listening in, but even individual content creators are also wanting to tap into this form of personal content and adapt to this audience segment.

Podcasts have seen an impressive 70% increase over the last four years..

- with more than 1.6 million Australians now downloading podcast content (2020 Technology, Media & Telecommunications Predictions study). You want in on the action? When done right podcasting can be a great marketing tool for promoting brand awareness and building a cult following online. As this platform continues to relish in a steady growth, companies and marketers should start to consider tapping into this new group of active and engaged audiences. Here are a few reasons how podcasts can become a beneficial marketing tool for your business.

Become a Market Leader With Value-added Content

When your passionate and invested in your discipline and what you do, listeners can hear it in your voice and in the rich content that you convey. Podcasts are a great way to increasingly build credibility through value-add content and establish yourself or your brand as a thought leader in the market. Deep relationships with your listeners are easily cultivated through direct engagement and discussion of unfiltered opinions. This on-the-go medium serves as a flexible tool in showcasing a diverse range of perspectives and expertise to help establish authority in your industry and attract brand advocates along the way.

Great Way To Cultivate Community

Podcasts not only serve as just a branding tool but is also a great way to cultivate community through meaningful dialogue and connected interests. Pushing out high-value audio content with real personality can be leveraged to facilitate enlightening discussions and create real value for your consumers. Streaming on demand allows brands to tell their story and share their curated insights anywhere at any time. Listeners have instant access to be able to learn more about their interests and satisfy their sense of belonging by engaging in discussions and being a part of a greater podcast community connected by their shared passions.

Niche - Hyper Targeting

Marketers are presented with a unique opportunity to be able to hyper target their audiences and consistently reach their niche consumers. With a growing reach and precise interest targeting, podcasts are quickly becoming the go-to platform for brands to connect and drive their advertising messages in front of niche audiences who are more likely to be interested in your specific offerings. In comparison to other mediums, its hard to match the efficiency that podcasts allow in curating content to the passion and interests of a brand’s desired audience.

Accessible & Mobile Friendly Content

To be visible we must be where our digital consumers are! The beauty of podcasts is in the richness of the low effort accessibility in which it offers. With the majority of Australian users choosing to access social media via their mobile devices, it’s an easy avenue for your audience to be able to consume your content anywhere, anytime. As consumers increasingly choose mobile devices over other technologies, it’s impossible to ignore the need to adopt more mobile-friendly content into our marketing strategy.

Repurposing Content & Sustainable Marketing

Podcasting can serve as a fantastic and sustainable resource for your brand when it comes to consistently accruing marketing assets. All the time and effort that you put into creating one episode can now be leveraged through repurposing the content in different ways on multiple platforms. If you are a content creator, it can be time-consuming to create new and compelling content on a regular basis. Instead of spending all your time creating more content for another blog post or podcast episode, find ways to repurpose the great ideas that already exist in order to reach even wider audiences with minimal effort. You could turn an audio recording into visual social media graphics by highlighting one of your best points as a quote graphic or cut out short moments from different podcasts to make individual videos for Instagram reels and TikTok stories. Contact us today to talk further about how to get the most out of your marketing strategy needs.


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